Air Cleaners in Food Storage Warehouses – A New Sizing Tool

Post provided by Camfil.
Food Quality is of the utmost importance for Food and Beverage manufacturing. Ensuring that food is delivered to your customers to the highest standard is key for brand image and customer satisfaction.
Have you noticed dust build up in your storage warehouses? Are products being affected by Dust problems? Are vehicle exhausts entering your building? If you answered yes to any of these questions your warehouse could be suffering from poor air quality. These problems could be coming from both internal and external sources. So whats your solution?
Industrial Air Cleaners are used all around the world to help alleviate poor air quality problems. By using HEPA filtration Industrial Air Cleaners can clean the air in your facility that may be polluted.
After identifying a solution people often wonder “how many air cleaners will clean my facility”. At Camfil we have tried to remove this mystery with our new Warehouse sizing tool.
Whether you are looking at your full warehouse facility or only a smaller section this sizing tool can highlight how many air cleaners would be needed to help clean the air in your facility to protect your people, products and processes.
Try this tool for yourself on our website and find out How Air Cleaners can fix the dust build up problems in your Warehouse