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Asda Leading the Way in Sustainable Wild Fish Sourcing

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Asda Leading the Way in Sustainable Wild Fish Sourcing

Asda Leading the Way in Sustainable Wild Fish Sourcing
July 10
11:31 2014
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Asda has become first supermarket to publish comprehensive and independent data on the fisheries that supply it so consumers can see exactly how and where the UK retailer’s wild fish is caught – and how sustainable they are.

Asda has teamed up with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership to publish the first of its Wild Fisheries Annual Review.

The new report has been welcomed by Greenpeace and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, both of whom have campaigned for more transparency from supermarkets on seafood sourcing. It covers all the source fisheries Asda used between January 1st 2013 and December 31st 2013. Not all of the 64 fisheries that supply Asda have data available – Asda is working with the eight that don’t to improve the way they report. Asda has also pledged to ensure that all fisheries that need improvement take appropriate action.

Sarah North, head of the Oceans Campaign at Greenpeace UK, says: “Greenpeace applauds Asda for this bold display of honesty and transparency about the seafood they sell. Now Asda’s customers in the UK will be armed with the information they need to choose more sustainable fish, and can follow Asda’s journey as it continues to work hard to improve its seafood sourcing. We sincerely hope that other retailers in the UK and beyond now follow Asda’s lead.”

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall says: “I applaud this step by Asda to be transparent about all the wild seafood that has their name on it. It shows a mixed picture: over a third of the fisheries are certified sustainable, but several of them – like those for dredged scallops and rays – remain a real cause for concern environmentally. But it is refreshing to have this sort of openness from one of our biggest fishmongers.”

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