Dairy Crest Creamery Triumphs at International Cheese Awards

Dairy Crest’s Davidstow Creamery, located in the heart of Cornwall, has announced another successful year at the International Cheese Awards (ICA), Nantwich. The creamery, home to the UK’s best loved cheese brand Cathedral City, and the award winning premium cheddar Davidstow, won 9 awards, spanning several categories, at the two day annual event.
The judging panel awarded gold, to Davidstow 3 Year Reserve Special Vintage Cheddar in the Vintage Cheddar Cheese category and Cathedral City Mild in the Mild Cheddar Cheese category, whilst Davidstow Classic Mature and Cathedral City Mature Lighter picked up silver awards in the Mature Cheddar Cheese Block category and Lighter Cheese category respectively. Marks and Spencer’s Single Pouring Cream and Madagascan Vanilla Cream, both made by Dairy Crest at their Chard Creamery, also received golds at the awards. Dairy Crest has enjoyed a long reign of success at the awards, picking up the prestigious Danisco trophy 11 times in the last 13 years. The trophy is awarded for the most points won across all cheese shows in one season.
Master Cheese Grader, Mark Pitts-Tucker, comments; “For our Dairy Crest cheeses to be recognised at the prestigious International Cheese Awards is a real testament to all the hard work that goes into our cheese making. We could not be more pleased or more proud that two of our cheeses have won gold awards this year. We look forward to returning to the ICA’s next year to continue our success.”
Dairy Crest’s Cathedral City has a longstanding relationship with the Show, and sponsors the highly-prized Cheese Lovers Trophy. A key award at the Show for the past 20 years, the trophy winner is chosen by a panel including a celebrity judge.
The success at the ICA’s follows an award winning year for the Dairy Crest Creamery. Three Dairy Crest cheeses were awarded gold medals at The British Cheese Awards at The Royal Bath and West Show earlier this year, with a further two Dairy Crest cheeses awarded bronze accreditation. Also in May a discerning panel of judges from Consumer Watchdog Which? rated Davidstow 3 Year Reserve Special Vintage Cornish Cheddar and Cathedral City Vintage 20 as best buys in their Cheddar consumer taste tests, awarding an additional Davidstow Creamery cheese top five status.