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DCU researchers develop space sensors for European Space Agency

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DCU researchers develop space sensors for European Space Agency

DCU researchers develop space sensors for European Space Agency
April 26
09:00 2017
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Three Irish companies have successfully won contracts to develop satellite and communications systems to the European Space Agency (ESA). The three companies are Enbio, InnaLabs, and Pilot Photonics.

Enbio has won a contract to develop advanced surface coatings for Europe’s next generation platform for mid-sized telecommunications missions. InnaLabs will develop a space qualified Rate Measurement Unit (RMU) that will be used for satellite Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystems (AOCS) in a range of future space missions as well as the in the commercial space market.

“We are very proud to partner with the European Space Agency as a valued supplier of high quality, Rad-hard, low cost 1◦ /hr gyroscopic sensors for future ESA missions” Jose Beitia, chief technical officer of InnaLabs said.

The third successful company was Pilot Photonics, which is a DCU start-up supported by Enterprise Ireland. The company has successfully secured a contract for the production of laser communications sub-systems for use in advanced communication satellites.

“The Irish government’s investment in Research and Innovation has supported the emergence of highly innovative starts-ups with technology that can be used in the most demanding of space systems. Enbio, InnaLabs and PilotPhotonics are the latest Irish companies to have their technical expertise validated by securing contracts from the European Space Agency,” John Halligan, Ireland’s Minister for Training, Skills & Innovation said.

“This is part of an ongoing rapid expansion of Irish companies engaging with ESA to develop and qualify technologies for the growing space market. A number of these technologies are also successfully being commercialised in a range of non-space applications including healthcare, automotive and aerospace,” he continued.

Ireland’s industrial and research participation in the programmes of the European Space Agency (ESA) is coordinated by Enterprise Ireland in collaboration with the Irish government Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.

“Supporting our client companies to identify new markets for their products and services is part of Enterprise Ireland’s strategy to enable our clients to build scale and expand global reach,” Gearóid Mooney, research & innovation manager, Enterprise Ireland, said.

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