Manufacturing & Supply Chain

Green10 – The Business Intelligence Dashboard Tool For Food Service

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Green10 – The Business Intelligence Dashboard Tool For Food Service

October 21
10:02 2014
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Green10LogoNovember2014Green10 (G10) provides access to an interactive, online dashboard that measures and monitors any caterer’s unique, responsible CSER buying profile.

The innovation is truly exceptional because of the sheer depth and far reaching capabilities of G10.  It brings millions of pieces of data together in one place, enabling operators to make rational, informed buying decisions and on the basis of accurate, up to the minute information, delivered in seconds.  It also provides a food buying function with clarity in terms of suppliers’ environmental profiles which today often influence operators’ supply chain choices.

Perhaps surprisingly, many foodservice providers still struggle with the sustainability agenda and clients and “end-eaters” have been getting tired of hollow words and unsubstantiated promises: they now want to identify a strategy, they want action and they want to see results.

Caterers “doing the right thing” can measure the effectiveness of their strategies, and communicate their progress to their stakeholders, by engaging with the G10 framework.

G10 is the brainchild of Acquire’s ( operational, buying and administrative teams and focuses on 10 key “pillars” of responsibility which cover virtually every facet of what is an extremely complex challenge – sourcing, buying, using and disposing of food responsibly, with an appropriate level of concern for the environment as well as the end users’ satisfaction and enjoyment.

The 10 pillars comprise Food Mileage, Local Sourcing, Supplier Environmental Profile, Seasonality, Renewables, Culture, Animal Welfare, Wellbeing, Packaging and Food Waste.

G10 does not seek to dictate best practice; rather, it supports and demonstrates the individual aims and objectives of caterers, whatever their size, whatever their sector – single site or part of a national group.  And it’s completely inclusive: G10 is available to everyone. For more information visit

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