Manufacturing & Supply Chain

Hainan Airlines Discusses Direct Flights From Dublin to China

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Hainan Airlines Discusses Direct Flights From Dublin to China

June 21
14:47 2016
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Hainan_Airlines_Boeing_737-800_B-2158_CTU_2011-7-7Hainan Airlines is investigating the potential for direct flights from Dublin to China. This airline is part of the Chinese company HNA, whose business ranges from flight, hotels, technology and shipping.

William Zhang, chief operating officer of HNA announced that this direct flight rout was under consideration. If there proves to be a satisfactory demand for this travel rout, then the company will proceed with the process.

Over the last few days, executives from HNA have met at the Chinese embassy to discuss this proposal.

For several years, agencies such as Enterprise Ireland and Tourism Ireland have been fighting for this route.

The airline has recently begun offering flights from Manchester to Beijing.

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