Important online auction of food and pharma processing and R&D plants in Switzerland

The internationally renowned industrial auctioneer Troostwijk will sell food and pharma processing and R&D plants in Switzerland via an important online auction, including amongst others UF filtration, dryers and evaporators, separation, heating and cooling systems, tanks and CIP.
The company Troostwijk has a lot of experience in global marketing of equipment in the food processing and pharma industry by performing several auctions in these fields. Already in the last years Troostwijk conducted highly successful Online Auctions.
The complete illustrated online auction catalogue of the equipment to be auctioned will available shortly on Bids can be placed only on the internet. The online auction will end on 21 August. From 14.00 hrs onwards, the lots will be awarded.
Viewing for interested bidders will take place Thursday 14 August from 9.00 till 16.00 hrs in Switzerland. After appointment address will be notified.
Further information concerning the auction and numerous pictures of the offered equipment can be found on: