Manufacturing & Supply Chain

IPRA Forecourt & Retail News Reports on Future Oil Pricing

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IPRA Forecourt & Retail News Reports on Future Oil Pricing

November 07
10:20 2019
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The latest issue of the IPRA Forecourt & Retail News magazine is now available and its publication is extremely timely following the largest one day jump in crude oil prices in 30 years after the recent attack on Saudi oil production.

Forecourt & Retail News has been published by the Irish Petrol Retailers Association (IPRA) – the trade association for petrol forecourt retailers in Ireland – since 2017 in order to inform and keep members up to date with the latest developments in this sector.

The Irish Petrol Retailers Association (IPRA) is the voice for the filling station owners and senior management and works with both the media and government (including government bodies) to voice their issues and secure necessary changes for members in this ever changing retail space.

The latest issue of IPRA Forecourt & Retail News has a wealth of information including articles on future oil pricing, climate change and the role of biofuels, and an exclusive article by Geraldine Herbert on how forecourts will change in the future. There are details of numerous products and services to assist the busy forecourt operation. The next issue will focus on how to increase sustainability in forecourts in an environmentally friendly way.


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