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Plastics are Future will meet in Valencia

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Plastics are Future will meet in Valencia

February 22
15:35 2016
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plastics are futureAIMPLAS is holding on 26 and 27 April an international meeting, where they will be tackled the future of plastic materials and the latest innovations of sectors such as medicine, packaging, automotive, water supply and lighting.

Since their inception in the last century, these polymers have extended their applications to almost all the sectors of economic activity to the extent that the current society cannot be understood without them. But the future is also theirs. Automobiles, new energy sources, intelligent and high-barrier packages, respect for the environment, curing of diseases, sustainable production challenges, are only a small sample of the infinite number of applications that will be further developed and will demand a constant and endless evolution of these materials.

For companies, the exploration of the polymeric materials that are coming is really important to promote and generate new market strategies. For this purpose, this meeting must be an unavoidable event for them. Moreover, sharing new realities on plastic materials must be a breeding ground to create new start-ups and small technology-based companies. For social agents, Plastics are Future will also raise the awareness of investing in the future and supporting new solutions that innovation in materials makes possible.

jeydee-1549235Plastics are Future will be a bridge and a meeting point between different sectorial realities, whose result will be the enrichment in new ideas and opportunities. Enhancing the knowledge in innovative materials is a fundamental objective to be able to forecast the market opportunities. Intelligent nanomaterials, sensors, supermaterials for extreme applications, new-generation foams, aerogels, shape-memory materials, biomaterials with active properties and many other possibilities on polymers will be the protagonists in this event.

From floating containers to medicine

During the two-days meeting, experts from companies and entities, such as Aurburg, Ava Biochem, CDTI, Centexbel, Comher, the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Novamont, Stratasys and the Universities of Alicante, Valencia and Warwick, will tackle exciting topics.

From the presentation of new high-performance composites, such as those based in recycled carbon fibres, to those who are flame-retardant and their applications in extreme situations, or reinforcement-shaped ones for fabrics that allow the transportation of thousands of fresh water tonnes by sea.

At the same time, it will be tackled the application of biopolymers in so different sectors as packaging (replacing PET) and medicine, thanks to 3D printing applied to cardiology or bio-based elastomers with shape memory for biomedical applications. They will be presented biocomposites reinforced from PLA and new biodegradable and compostable bioplastics.

optical-microscope-5-1413633Tools and innovative processes, such as electronic microscopy, additive manufacturing and examples of the emergent 4.0 industry will be also disclosed, as well as self-repairing materials and conductive plastic solutions to produce smart LED systems.

AIMPLAS is a non-profit research association with the object to operate as a technological partner for enterprises from the plastics industry and thus offering them integral and customized solutions by coordinating research, development and innovation projects as well as technology services (analysis and testing, technical assistance, formation as well as competitive and strategic intelligence).

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