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New Puratos White Paper Presents Latest Cake Freshness Innovations

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New Puratos White Paper Presents Latest Cake Freshness Innovations

March 09
10:53 2014
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Global bakery products specialist, Puratos, is launching a new white paper presenting the latest industry trends driving cake freshnessinnovation. The paper titled ‘Combining cake
improvers and filling technologies: A catalyst forinnovation in 2014 and beyond’ is the latest addition to The Cake Freshness Lab – Puratos’ professional online portal dedicated to sharing recent advances in cake freshness science, with a focus on Acti-Fresh.
Aimed at cake producers looking to achieve market differentiation that doesn’t compromise cake freshness, the content of this article focuses on the possibilities for combining specially designed fillings with cake improver technologies.
“The paper is intended to be a source of inspiration for our customers,” says Katrien Mullendorff, Business Unit Director at Puratos. “It identifies how cake producers can capitalise on the current opportunities, keeping cake freshness always front of mind. The
concept of meal mobility, for example, is particularly challenging because individually packed cakes dry out more quickly. Market research also indicates customer preference for filled, rather than unfilled, baked goods. Innovative fillings that don’t interfere with cake
improvers’ performance but do enhance product appeal are therefore an attractive proposition for long shelf-life cake manufacturers.”

Shown to improve immediate cake freshness and support longer lasting packed cake performance, Acti-Fresh has become a trusted solution overcoming many of the challenges surrounding shelf life, storage and transportation. Also, for manufacturers looking to
leverage the mass market potential for sweet filled cakes, waterbased fillings such as Cremfil Ultim, are presenting new possibilities for innovation.

The white paper is one of a suite of Puratos supporting materials addressing the business and technical advantages of cake freshness technologies available for download from The Cake Freshness Lab.

For further product information on Acti-Fresh and Puratos’ range of
water-based fillings, visit

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