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800 jobs for Northern Ireland with Teleperformance

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800 jobs for Northern Ireland with Teleperformance

October 16
08:59 2015
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ULSTER Jobs 15International call centre firm, Teleperformance, is significantly expanding operations at an Enniskillen-based contact centre.

The company took on the running of Liberty Insurance’s Enniskillen call centre in the summer.

The new employees will be based on the same site but will work on other Teleperformance contracts.

Stormont’s business support agency Invest NI has offered £2.5 million towards the investment while the Department of Employment and Learning has offered a further £249,500 for pre-employment training of 100 people.

The average salary for the positions will be £14,700 (approximately €19,996) generating a total of around £12 million a year in salaries.

Prior to taking on the Enniskillen centre, Teleperformance already had a significant presence in Northern Ireland, employing more than 2,000 people across two sites in Bangor and Newry.

Alistair Niederer, chief executive for Teleperformance UK, Ireland and RSA, said: “We are delighted to be growing our presence in Northern Ireland, and to be creating this new contact centre here in Enniskillen.

“It is our objective to provide world class customer service through our top quality, well trained staff. It is our philosophy to transform passion into excellence and Northern Ireland had proven to be a great place for us to do this.

“We see the commitment of our staff and the superior service they are able to provide as an important part of our competitive advantage. People considering applying for the new jobs here in Enniskillen should be assured of our commitment to provide training and a stimulating and motivational place to work.”

Liberty Insurance’s transfer of the centre’s running to Teleperformance secured an existing 225 jobs.

Now the workforce on site is set to increase greatly, with Teleperformance announcing the creation of the 800 new positions over the next three years.

Stormont’s Finance Minister Arlene Foster and Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry welcomed the jobs’ announcement.

Mrs Foster said this was a major boost for Northern Ireland, “A reinvestment by this international company is a significant endorsement for Northern Ireland and what we have to offer companies as a place to do business.”

Dr Farry said, “The new jobs will provide a variety of opportunities, offering flexible meaningful employment in a range of positions and the opportunity to develop important, transferable skills.”

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