Manufacturing & Supply Chain

Asavie to create 106 jobs for Dublin

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Asavie to create 106 jobs for Dublin

Asavie to create 106 jobs for Dublin
December 16
11:44 2015
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Technology firm Asavie is to create 106 jobs in Dublin over the next 30 months.

The company said it would be looking to fill roles in engineering, sales, product management, marketing and support.

The 106 new roles at its Dublin offices, which will bring its total workforce to 186, will be across engineering, sales, product management, marketing and support.

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton said Asavie was “a highly innovative Irish company, developing ground-breaking technologies in Dublin, working with world-leading multinationals and adding large numbers of jobs here”.

Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Dublin, Asavie currently employs 80 people. The companies new move will see it’s workforce more than double in size.

Asavie clients include telecoms providers such as AT&T, Eir, Three, Telefonicaand Vodafone. The company was also recently awarded the outstanding international growth award from the Irish Software Association.

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