Bühler Group: Marked rise in order intake

The Bühler Technology Group received orders worth CHF 1309 million in the first half-year of 2014. This is a substantial and purely organic increase of 12% over a year ago. With CHF 1031 million, sales revenues were slightly below the value of the previous year.
This positive development is primarily attributable to the revival of the North and South American markets and the continuing stable growth in the emerging markets of China and India. Almost all business units contributed to growth. Bühler expects additional potential orders to be generated by the continuous addition to capacities in the Customer Service business. Furthermore, the corporate structure has been streamlined, and production capacities have been consolidated at some locations in Europe.
Sales in the first six months of 2014 amounted to CHF 1031 million, dipping -2.8% slightly below the level of a year ago. However, as is usual in the plant and engineering business, the rise in orders will impact sales revenues with a certain time lag so that revenues for the entire fiscal year are expected to reach approximately the level of the previous year. Earnings, too, are projected to develop in a positive direction. The current backlog of orders is CHF 1600 million and thus 9% above last year’s value.