€1.5 Million Investment Leads to Major Tesco Order For Irish Egg Supplier

Country Cavan-based free-range egg supplier O’Egg has secured a major order from Tesco to stock 58 stores with its innovative new liquid whole egg and liquid egg white product. The order, which is the equivalent of half-a-million eggs per year, comes on the back of a €1.5 million investment in new product development, manufacturing processes and marketing which has enabled the company to bring Ireland’s first free-range liquid egg products to market.
O’Egg isIreland’s largest dedicated free-range egg supplier which works with 27 egg producers who operate to O’Egg’s exacting standards of animal welfare. The company, which employs 31 people, was established 26 years ago by husband and wife team Leo and Margaret Farrelly and today buys more than €4.5 million worth of eggs annually from its dedicated producers for its conventional branded and own-label boxed whole egg offering, a figure set to increase with the introduction of the new liquid egg range.
Managing Director Margaret Farrelly says: “We have always been innovative in our approach and have focused our investments on ensuring that we deliver the best possible product to our customers. We were the first company inWestern Europeto equip our packing centre with state-of-the-art egg grading equipment, we were the first to introduce an egg enriched with Omega 3, Vitamin E and Organic Selenium, the first and only producer of white shelled eggs for retail and now we are the first to introduce a pasteurised liquid egg product.”
She adds: “The Tesco order is an important milestone for O’Egg. It marks a vote of confidence in us as a company as well as our products. Liquid egg is a totally new concept forIreland’s supermarkets and is an innovative way for us to add value to what is ultimately a commodity product.”
O’Egg managing director Margaret Farrelly. Picture by Sean Curtin Photo.