Food Inspection Trailblazer to Launch Cutting-edge Innovations at Interpack – Hall 17, Stand B52

Loma Systems, winner of EEF’s Innovative Operating Practices and Processes Award, will showcase a total of seven flagship systems on the interpack stand this year with Lock Inspection Systems.
Significantly Loma will unveil the ‘next generation’ IQ3+ ST (SureTune) metal detector. Packed with some incredible new innovations, it resolves challenges like user traceability, with a new Access Log supporting CFR21.Part 11 and storing up to 500 events. The newIQ3+ STalso addresses drifting of the head coil and reduces false product rejects caused by subtle variations in atmospheric temperature and product characteristics. Plus, an intelligent Product Validation System now memorises defined test intervals by product and individual retailer’s code of practice. These new features, and more, make it the ideal solution for high-speed food manufacturing co-packers that must adhere to different retailers’ test parameters.
“Interpack is always a great forum for people to view market-leading solutions that address the current challenges, including industry inspection codes of practice, changes in packaging, traceability and product integrity,” says Marketing Manager James Chrismas. “Our focus at the show will be on assisting customers to understand the risks in their individual manufacturing environments and showcasing our ‘future proof’ inspection solutions. Our next generation technologies mean we are uniquely positioned to help every customer to increase product output whilst safeguarding against potential contamination.”
For more information on Loma Systems T: +44 (0) 1252 893300 E: