Local Government Procurement Opportunities is Focus of Free Supplier Engagement Event

Fingal County Council is one of eight local authorities from Greater Dublin and surrounding areas supporting a Supplier Engagement event focusing on local government procurement opportunities. InterTradeIreland, together with the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) are hosting the free half-day event at the CityWest Hotel on October 1.
Local government in Ireland manage contracts which support and maintain civic amenities and community services. Those who attend will meet with local council sector experts and decision makers from key categories to provide market updates on new products or innovations and find out about procurement processes and tender opportunities coming up
This event will facilitate face to face engagement opportunities across a range of procurement categories including:
- Corporate Services and Housing
- Emergency Services
- Environment
- Finance & ICT
- Community, Sports, Arts and Recreation
- Roads, Transportation, Marine & General Services
- Green Energy.
Workshops examining various aspects of the tendering process will also run throughout the morning.
Director of Corporate Affairs and Governance John Quinlivan said: “In line with Fingal County Council’s Procurement Policy, we are committed to helping prospective suppliers to understand the Council’s procurement and purchasing processes. In this respect, competitive processes are structured for public contracts in a manner that facilitates increased participation by SMEs (small and medium enterprises), while continuing to ensure that public sector purchasing is carried out in a manner that is legal, transparent, and secures optimal value for money.”
Fingal County Council’s Procurement Officer Brian Murray said: “The Council’s Corporate Procurement Plan contains an objective to have greater supplier and market engagement. This is one of a series of engagements we will be conducting and I would urge micro and small businesses who do not currently provide supplies or services to the Local Government sector to attend.”
This half-day event is taking place from 10am to 2pm in CityWest Hotel, Dublin. As this is a free event early registration is essential to secure your place.
Representatives from the key business development agencies can also advise you on current funding opportunities and business supports available.
For more information and to register for your free place for the event please visit https://intertradeireland.com/