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PepsiCo Named a 2014 World’s Most Ethical Company

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PepsiCo Named a 2014 World’s Most Ethical Company

PepsiCo Named a 2014 World’s Most Ethical Company
March 25
12:53 2014
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PepsiCo has been named a 2014 World’s Most Ethical (WME) Company by the Ethisphere Institute, attaining this accolade for the eighth consecutive year.

The World’s Most Ethical (WME) Companies designation is given by the Ethisphere Institute (Ethisphere), which recognizes companies with leading ethics and compliance programs. Ethisphere determines which companies go beyond making statements about doing business “ethically” and translate those words into action.

“Through the millions of interactions PepsiCo employees have with others each day, everyone at PepsiCo contributes to our culture of integrity, and all of us are proud that PepsiCo is one of only 17 companies that have received the WME designation for eight consecutive years,” says Dave Yawman, PepsiCo’s chief compliance and ethics officer.

He continues: “At PepsiCo, we believe that acting ethically is not only the right thing to do, but the right thing to do for our business. Our CEO and senior leaders lead by example and set a great tone regarding the importance of ethics. By establishing Performance with Purpose as a guiding vision, our leaders have set the course for PepsiCo to deliver sustainable financial performance through ethical business practices. At PepsiCo, we take pride in performing well and we like to win. But, a wise person once said, “if you cheat and win, you’re not winning, you’re cheating.”

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