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Renowned experts discuss the impact of industry 4.0 on the labour market at free virtual event

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Renowned experts discuss the impact of industry 4.0 on the labour market at free virtual event

Renowned experts discuss the impact of industry 4.0 on the labour market at free virtual event
February 03
09:58 2021
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  • The online Conference LabourTech 20201 takes place on the 10th of February from 10am to 1:30pm (Central European Time).
  • Several experts with different backgrounds from all over Europe will gather virtually and attendees will have the chance to ask them questions.

On February 10, 2021, the European Union’s funded HubIT project will organise its Final e-Conference LABOURTECH 2021 – Industry 4.0 technologies and its impact on the labour market in collaboration with P.PORTO. The objective of this event is to discuss and understand the consequences of future technologies in our labour market, with special attention to the role of responsible innovation and the perspectives from organisations, employees and the society.
Technological advances can bring many benefits for our society with significant impact in the way we communicate, work and live. These advances had led us to the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0, where technologies, such as large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M), the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have disrupted the labour market, making us more efficient, more productive and more cost-efficient. But, would these advances make us more dispensable? Would they increase the control over employees’ performance? How will they affect the decision-making process of an organisation?
In LABOURTECH 2021, a look is given into the positive and negative impacts of future technologies in the labour market, and the role of responsible innovation in the Industry 4.0. comprising HubIT’s know-how and results acquired by the project during the last 30 months.
For this purpose and in order to ensure a fruitful and insightful discussion, the conference brings together renowned speakers with different expertise. Some sounding names are Dr. Árpád Ráb – a futurist and cultural anthropologist from Corvinus University (Hungary), Mr. Rui Tocha – the General Director of CENTIMFE (Portugal) -, Marco Wedel – Political Scientist from TU Berlin (Germany) – and Ms. Marta Arniani – founder of Futurible and expert on technology impact (France).
Any person can participate with an online registration (free of charge). Participants will have the chance to make questions during the session and even to network online with other attendees.

  • To register to the free virtual conference, you just need to apply on the event page of the HubIT website available here (



(times displayed in CET)

10:00 – 10:05 | Welcome and introduction to the event
10:05 – 10:15 | Introduction to HubIT
→ Anneli Roose (Senior Consultant at Civitta Estonia and Coordinator of the HubIT project)
10:15 – 10:35 | Keynote speech: Future Technologies and the Impact on the Labour Market
→ Árpád Rab (Associate professor at the Corvinus University. Futurist, cultural anthropologist, ethnographer and sociologist)
10:35 – 10:45 | Q&A
10:45 – 11:45 | Panel Discussion: Industry 4.0 and the role of Responsible Innovation
→ Dan Podjed (Assoc Prof Dan Podjed, PhD, anthropologist & developer of planet-centred solutions, ZRC SAZU, IRI UL & University of Ljubljana)
→ Marco Wedel (Political Scientist and Senior Researcher at the Department of Work, Technology and Participation at the Technical University of Berlin)
→ Rui Tocha (General director of CENTIMFE, POOL-NET and European Tooling Platform)
→ Maria Teresa Pereira (Professor at ISEP and Director of the Post-graduation I4.0-Digital Transformation & Coordinator of the “Universities of the Future” project at P.PORTO)
→ Bendó Zoltán (Project manager of the Interreg Europe INNO PROVEMENT project “Translating Industry 4.0 to improved SME policy instruments targeting innovation)
11:45 – 12:00 | Q&A
12:00 – 12:35 | HubIT Standpoint: the conclusions from 30 months of work
European framework model: The HubIT Metropolis
→ Francesco Niglia (Responsible Research and Innovation Lab”, associated researcher at Link Campus University)
Responsible ICT research and innovation through inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation? Lessons from practical experimentations + Presentation of the winners
→ Robert Richter (Research Fellow at TU Berlin) & Thomas Blanchet (Researcher and Project Manager at NEXUS Institute)
Why SSH matter – the impact of SSH & RRI in ICT: Thoughts for the future in the era of Industry 4.0
→ Tal Soffer (Senior faculty; Head of the unit for Technology and Society Foresight; Head of the unit for Digital pedagogy -Virtual TAU (TSF) & HubIT Partner)
12:35 – 12:40 | Q&A
12:40 – 12:45 | Closing session with final remarks
12:45 – 13:30 | Networking Session


Marta Arniani
Marta Arniani’s focus is on aligning tech innovation with social justice. She is a strategic designer and storyteller with expertise in European Commission funding frameworks for research and innovation. She launched the curatorial project Futuribile to support interdisciplinary debates and innovations aware of the societal challenges of technology. Marta authors policy-oriented publications and consults innovators and researchers on the design of tech R&D projects for European fundraising. Her monthly newsletter provides insights into technology social impact.
HubIT coordinator
Anneli Roose
Anneli has been working for the University of Tartu Narva College and for the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. At the University she managed international projects, developed international cooperation and coordinated the quality assurance process of the college. At the Ministry her last position was Advisor of the EU and International Cooperation Department and her duties included developing cooperation towards Asian, Eastern- and Western European as well as Nordic and Baltic countries and international organizations (OECD, United Nations etc), negotiating on international agreements, organizing high-level visits and events, but also chairing or attending as a member several councils. In Civitta Anneli Roose is the coordinator of the H2020 projects HubIT and Robotics4EU. She has Masters´ degrees from University of Tartu both in social sciences and humanities.
Keynote speaker “Future Technologies and the Impact on the Labour Market”
Árpád Rab
Dr. Árpád Rab is a futurologist, information society researcher, digital culture expert. He spent a decade and a half researching at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where he was also the head of the institute, and is currently an associate professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest and a senior researcher at the National University of Public Administration. He worked for years as a UNESCO international expert on the impact of infocommunication tools on society. In addition to his university research, he provides expert advice to IT companies. His main areas of study are the quality-of-life effects of infocommunication tools, e-health and computer games.
Panel discussion “Industry 4.0 and the role of Responsible Innovation”
Dan Podjed
Dan Podjed, PhD, is an anthropologist dedicated to developing ethnography-based IT solutions and innovative research methods at the intersection of different scientific fields. He is a Research Fellow at the Research Centre Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts and Senior Research Advisor at the Institute for Innovation and Development of the University of Ljubljana. He has led several applied, interdisciplinary and industry-oriented projects, and has contributed to the development of technological products and solutions in many EU Horizon 2020 and EU Erasmus+ projects. He acted as Convenor of EASA Applied Anthropology Network from its inception in 2010 until 2018 and continues his involvement as one of the Executive Advisors of the network. In 2013 he was the founder and from 2013 to 2018 the organiser of the international event Why the World Needs Anthropologists, which has become the main meeting place for applied anthropologists in Europe and beyond. In 2020, he published his book Indoor Anthropology, in which he presented to the public how he came to know society and himself during the Covid-19 pandemic. His most recent book, Why the World Needs Anthropologists, has brought together the discipline’s leading experts to highlight the value of anthropology in today’s world.
Marco Wedel
Dr. Marco Wedel is a Political Scientist (Dipl.rer.pol., Dr. phil.) and Senior Researcher at the Department of Work, Technology and Participation at the Technical University of Berlin. In addition to studies in Boston, Constance and Berlin, he has worked in the Energy Sector (BASF) and in Science Management (Falling Walls Foundation). His current research activities focus on the topics ‘Future of Work’, AI, and Digitalization of Education. His long-term research focuses on European Integration, and Democratic Competence. Marco Wedel is Assosciate Editor at The European Journal of Social Science Research and Member of the Board of the European Association for the Advancement of the Social Sciences.
Rui Tocha
Rui Jorge Gregório Tocha, 53 years old, economist and master degree on International Economy by ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, being the General-Manager of CENTIMFE since 1997 (Portuguese Technological Centre for Mouldmaking, Special Tools and Plastics Industries), POOL-NET since 2008 (Portuguese Association that coordinates the Engineering & Tooling Cluster – Moulds & Plastics), and the EUROPEAN TOOLING PLATFORM since 2008 (MANUFUTURE sub-platform), but also an invited Professor on Innovation & Management at the Polytechnic of Leiria. He is member of the National INDÚSTRY 4.0 Committee, created by the Minister of Economy, by representing the Initiative PORTUGALClusters. Experience on organization management, team building, networks and international cooperation, he is the coordinator of the PTcentroDiH – Digital Innovation Hub for the Portugal Region Centro.
Maria Teresa
Maria Teresa Ribeiro Pereira, PhD in Operations Research, Master Informatics for management, Degree in Production Engineering by Minho University. Associate Professor in Engineering school of Porto of Polytechnic of Porto ISEP/P.PORTO. Post-graduation director in I4.0-Digital Transformation and Coordinator of Universities of the Future (UoF) project 588409-EPP-1-2017-1-PT-EPPKA2-KA.  Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering & management Sub-Director. Coordinator and researcher at the Centre for research and Development in mechanical engineering (CIDEM-ISEP). She has participated in several EU Projects -ITEX- Project 20905-Information Technology for the textile & clothing Industry. INNOENTRE Erasmus-2014-2017 Framework for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support in Open Higher Education. she is reviewer and holds several international publications.
Bendo Zoltan
Zoltan BENDO, 44, is senior consultant at Liontaria Ltd. Zoltan has close to 20 years’ experience in public policy consulting and worked for 3 years as an official in the Hungarian public administration. He specialises in EU affairs (programme design, execution and monitoring), SME, cluster and innovation policies (policy papers, analyses), project development (75+ projects including transnational projects) and project management (30+ projects including corporate development projects and transnational projects). Since 2019 he carries out consortium level project management tasks in the Interreg Europe INNO PROVEMENT project that aims at improving SME policy instruments so that they better respond to Industry 4.0 challenges. Zoltan holds an M. Sc. in Business Administration from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences, a CEMS Master in International Management from the Community of European Management Schools and a Master in International Business from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. He started his career as a consultant at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants in 2000-2002. In 2002-2004 he was head of unit in the Ministry of Economy and Transport in Hungary in the field of investor relations and FDI working out central government incentive packages for large companies. In 2006-2007 he was acting head of department of the Managing Authority of Economic Development Programmes of the National Development Agency in Hungary. From 2007 he is senior consultant at Tenderix Consulting and Research and from 2016 he is senior consultant at Liontaria Ltd. From 2014 he is chairman of the internal audit body of two Hungarian pension funds.
HubIT Session “The conclusions from 30 months of work”
Francesco Niglia
Francesco is the director of the “Responsible Research and Innovation Lab” and an associated researcher within the DASIC of the Link Campus University. Francesco has actively been engaged in the modelling of innovation ecosystems and strategies, through different fields of application. Furthermore, Francesco is the CEO and Research Director of KOYSLab, a private research laboratory dealing with the analysis of impact of innovation policies and strategies.
Robert Richter
Robert Richter was born in Berlin in 1983. From 2003 to 2009 he studied physics at the TU Berlin, where he began teaching laboratory courses as early as 2006. In 2010, he became a research assistant with teaching duties at the Institute of Optics and Atomic Physics (TU Berlin). His research focused on spectroscopy and molecular physics, while he supervised project-based laboratory courses for students in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes. In 2014, he became head of the “Projektlabor Physik”, an innovative beginner physics lab, which he led until his PhD in physics on photoluminescence nanodiamonds. In 2016, he was asked to set up and lead the Naturkunde Medialab at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. As Scientific Director, he has coordinated the responsible re-use of the museum’s cultural heritage and scientific data in its collaboration with start-ups.
He is the co-founder of the Experimental Stage Project e.V., a non-profit dedicated to communicating science through an artistic approach. This concept is also the basis of lab:prepare & lab:present, two courses on science communication that he currently supervises at TU Berlin and Berlin University of the Arts.
In 2019, he was awarded the title of Future-Maker by the Futurium gGmbH and has contributed several interactive installations to their permanent exhibition. He is a research fellow at the Institute of Vocational Education and Work Studies at TU Berlin and his areas of interest are science communication, maker culture, DIY science and responsible research and innovation.
Thomas Blanchet
Thomas Blanchet is researcher and project manager at nexus Institute since 2015. He studied sociology at the University of Nantes and at the University of Leipzig and earned in 2013 a PhD from the Department of Economics at FU Berlin on the subject of privatisation in the German water sector. His dissertation was written within the DFG Research Training Group “Paths of Organizational Processes” and as a guest at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (Department of Organization and Internationalization).
Prior to nexus, he worked as a researcher at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin and at the Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires, Sociétés at the École des Ponts ParisTech, where he worked on the governance of urban infrastructures (water, energy). During his postdoctoral studies in Paris, he was involved in international comparative projects on local energy system transformation. In addition to his scientific activities, he has also taken on teaching positions in organizational theory (Humboldt University Berlin) and international management (Jacobs University Bremen).
Tal Soffer
Tal Soffer, PhD, is a senior faculty member in the School of Education at Tel Aviv University. Director of two academic units: Technology and Society Foresight (TSF) and the Center for Digital Pedagogy – Virtual TAU. She has an extensive research experience of more than 20 years, in the field of Technology Foresight and its relations with societal implications: Ethics, Privacy and cyber technologies as well as the implications of the GDPR on data protection for digital transformation in Cyber-Physical Systems /IoT; Education and cyber technologies specialization in online learning, community learning and Life-Long Learning; future of work and leisure and its relation to occupations and skills. She has been involved in vast of Israeli and EU research projects as principal investigator and coordinator of several projects (e.g. Privacy – Appraising Challenges to Technologies and Ethics- PRACTIS) and an expert and evaluator to EU research proposals and project. In addition, she has consulting experience to policymakers in the Israeli Ministries such as: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and technology. She has an extensive number of publications in Journals and EU reports as well as presentations of papers in international conferences.

HubIT is a European project funded under Horizon 2020 programme, which objective is to build a Hub that activates and improves constructive and co-creative interactions between the Social Science & Humanities (SSH) and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), towards developing and implementing a shared vision of inclusive ICT research and innovation.

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