Manufacturing & Supply Chain

What We Think About When We Think About Food

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What We Think About When We Think About Food

What We Think About When We Think About Food
April 04
11:35 2014
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In Italy, a new tool developed byRome’s La Sapienza University, with support from Nestlé Italia, enables food producers, growers, processors and marketeers to better understand how people feel about a particular product, culinary raw material or food group.

It maps out consumers’ perception of the environmental and economic impact of the food or food product and the production process used to create it.

Already, three years in the making, the Food Reputation Map has collected and analysed the perceptions of almost 5,000 Italian consumers.

The University’s Centre for Research in Environmental Psychology has also developed a pilot tool in English for use in other countries. Anyone can commission the university to carry out research using the tool.

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